The symposium is intended for the scientific as well as the wider expert public who are interested in Czech-Chinese and Czech-Korean language and cultural interchange. In particular, it is concerned with the teaching and use of these languages as a second or foreign language as well as research in these areas.
This international meeting of philologists, experts in linguo-didactics, translators and teachers of these languages is devoted to the linguistic and lingo-didactic aspects of the description and study of Czech, Chinese and Korean. It is also dedicated to questions relating to the building and use of acquisition corpora of these languages as well as to current research in this field.
Thematic parameters:
The Conference languages are Czech, English and Russian. The outcome of the symposium will be a jointly-produced monograph.
The meeting is organised by The Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication in collaboration with The Institute of Czech Studies, both of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. The event is being run as part of the faculty project KREAS.
You will find the registration form HERE. Registration is open until 28 February 2019.
Information about the symposium will be regularly updated on the webpage:
If you need to contact the organisers, use the following address:
The conference has been set up with the support of the project Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions For the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World, reg. no: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734, financed by the European Fund for Regional Development and the Charles University project PROGRES Q10, Language in Changing Times, Places and Cultures.